Pathologist - Competence:
- Gynecology Pathology
- Digestive Pathology
- Cytology
- Diploma of Doctor in Medicine U.S.J.
- CES in Anatomy and Cytopathology – Academy of Paris – Pierre et
Marie Curie university (PARIS VI) 1980
Visited services
- Chief of department of surgical pathology and cytopathology at Sacré-Cœur Hospital
- Chief of department of surgical pathology and cytopathology at Abou Jaoude hospital
- Assistant in the department of surgical pathology and cytology at Paul Brousse
hospital - Villejuif – France (1989-1990)
- Assistant in the clinical cytology laboratory at Curie Institute, Paris - France (1990-
- Co-founder at INP October 20
Academic activities
- Instructor of surgical pathology and cytology at the "canditatures universitaires
des Pères Antonins" – Baabda - Medicine Section (1982-1985)
- Vice-Dean of the "canditatures universitaires des Pères Antonins"– Baabda - Medicine
Section (1982-1985)
- Instructor of histology at the "canditatures universitaires des Pères Antonins"–
Baabda - Medicine Section (1983-1985)
- Teaching Director of the surgical pathology at Lebanese university – medicine section
- Teaching Director of the surgical pathology at the Lebanese university – Dental care
division (1985-1989)
- Assistant in “Kremlin Bicetre” university – « le Kremlin bicetre – France » (Practical
teaching of the surgical pathology DCEM1) (1989-1990)
- Instructor of teaching the special and general surgical pathology course at Lebanese
university since 1993-2002
- Chief of surgical pathology department at the Lebanese university – medicine section
since 2005
- Teaching director of the histology at USEK – medicine section since 2004
- Teaching director of the surgical pathology at USEK – medicine section since 2004